Cyrsiau ::: Courses

Cofrestrwch nawr ::: Enrol now

* Celf a Chrefft : Arts and Craft *

Celf a Chrefft Arts and Crafts Amser / Time Dyddiad / Date Wyth / Wks Cost / Cost
Llun / Monday Still Me Still Me 10:00-1.00pm 06/01/2025 Wyth/ Weekly Am Ddim Free
Grŵp Feltio Felting Group 6:30 - 8:30pm 13/01/2025 Wyth/ Weekly £5.00
Grŵp gwnio Sewing Group 10:30 - 12:30pm 06/01/2025 13 £75.00
Trefnu Blodau Flower Arranging 2.30-4.30pm 07/01/2025 8 £56
Trefnu Blodau Flower Arranging 4.45-6.45pm 07/01/2025 8 £56
Mawrth / Tuesday Grŵp Brodwaith Embroidery Group 1pm - 4pm 07/01/2025 13 TBC
Grŵp Celf Amlgyfrywng Mixed Media Art Group 9:00-12:00pm 07/01/2025 13 £35
Grŵp Cwiltio Cymunedol Community Quilting Group 9.30-12.00pm 07/01/2025 13 TBC
Grwp Gwnio Sewing Group 6:30pm - 8:30pm 07/01/2025 15 £75
Iau / Thursday Dyfrilliw Watercolour 1:00-4:00pm 16/01/2025 10 Am Ddim Free [email protected]
Gwener / Friday Cwrs gwydyr lliw Stained glass course 10am-4pm 17/01/2025 1 £95
Cwrs gwydyr lliw Stained glass course 10am-4pm 14/02/2025 1 £95

* Technoleg Gwybodaeth / Information Technology *

Technoleg Gwybodaeth / Information Technology

Technoleg Gwybodaeth Information Technology Amser: Time Dechrau: Start Wyth: Wks Cost: Cost Sut i Ymrestru: How to Enrol
Llun || Monday Cyfrifiaduron i ddechreuwyr Computers for beginners 9:30 - 11:30am 06/01/2025 15 Am ddim / Free [email protected] // 01443 570077
ICDL ICDL 13:30 - 15:30pm 06/01/2025 £45 Prisiau'n amrywio // Prices Vary [email protected] // 01443 570077
Mawrth || Tuesday Clwb Camera Garth Olwg Garth Olwg Camera Club 9:00 - 11:00 07/01/2025 TBC Prisiau'n amrywio // Prices Vary
Mercher || Wednesday Ffotograffiaeth i ddechreuwyr Photography for Beginners 9:30 - 11:00 15/01/2025 £10 am 6 wythnos £10 for 6 weeks [email protected]

*Gellir talu ECDL mewn 3 rhanddaliad o £108 wedi’u gwasgaru ar draws hyd y cwrs
*ECDL payment can be made in 3 instalments of £108 spread across the length of the course

* Trwy gyfrwyng y Gymraeg : Through the medium of Welsh *

Trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg Through the medium of Welsh Amser: Time Dechrau: Start Wyth: Wks Cost: Cost Sut i Ymrestru: How to Enrol

* Iechyd a Ffitrwydd : Fitness and Health *

Fitness and Health Amser: Time Dechrau: Start Wyth Wkly Cost: Cost Sut i Ymrestru How to Enrol
Llun / Monday Dawnsio Llinell / Line dancing 13:30 - 15:00pm 06/01/2025 Wyth / Wkly £7.00 Ses/ses Linda - 02920 551996
Ioga (sesiynau dwyeithog) Yoga (bilingual sesions) 18:15 - 19:15pm 06/01/2025 Wyth / Wkly £7.50 Ses/Ses
Iau / Thursday Ioga Beichiogrwydd / Pregnancy Yoga 7pm- 8pm 09/01/2025 Wyth / Wkly £45.00 / 5 ses/ses Michelle - 07861873588 //[email protected]

Plant a Phobl Ifanc : Children and Young People *

Plant a Phobl Ifanc Children and Young People Amser: Time Dechrau: Start Wyth: Wks Cost: Cost Sut i Ymrestru: How to Enrol
Llun / Monday Gweithdai Drymio Samba Samba Drumming Workshop 4:00 - 5:30pm 13/01/2025 6 £10 6 wyth/wks
Mawrth / Tuesday Adran Bro Taf Adran Bro Taf 17:00 - 21:00pm 07/01/2025 Wyth / Wkly £11.00 Troi lan / Turn up
Iau / Thursday Little Kickers (Oed 1.5 - 2.5) Little Kickers (1.5 - 2.5 years) 9:30 - 10:00am 09/01/2025 Wyth / Wkly £33 Calendar Month Karina – 07740867289 / [email protected] /
Little Kickers (Oed 2.5 - 3.5) Little Kickers (2.5 - 3.5 years) 10:10 - 11:10am 09/01/2025 Wyth / Wkly £33.00 mis / month Karina – 07740867289 / [email protected] /
Ioga ôl-enedigol, Ioga Babanod a Thylino Babanod Postnatal Yoga, Baby Yoga & Baby Massage 11:30 - 12:30pm 09/01/2025 Wyth / Wkly £64 - 8 wyth/weeks Michelle - 07861873588 / [email protected]
Bale, tap a dawns modern (oed 5+) Ballet, tap and modern dance (age 5+) 16:00 - 17:20pm 09/01/2025 Wyth / Wkly £7.50 Ses/Ses Sarah - 07872 488714 [email protected]
Clwb drama (7 - 12 oed) Drama club (age 7 - 12) 18:00 - 20:00pm 09/01/2025 13 £49
Gwener / Friday Yoga i Rieni Yoga for Parents 9:20 - 10:20am 17/01/2025 6 £10 6 wyth/wks
Ysgol Berfformio Arius (Der iBl6) Arius School of Performing Arts (Rec to Yr 6) 16:30 - 18:30pm 10/01/2025 Wyth / Wkly Prisiau'n amrywio / Prices vary Arius: Music, Drama and Dance (Year 2-5) [email protected]
Ysgol Berfformio Arius (Bl 7 i13) Arius School of Performing Arts (Yr7 to yr13) 18:30 - 19:30pm 10/01/2025 Wyth / Wkly

* Ieithoedd : Languages *

Ieithoedd Languages Amser: Time Dechrau: Start Wyth: Wks Cost: Cost Sut i Ymrestru: How to Enrol
Llun / Monday Ffrangeg Sgwrsio French Conversation 10:30-11:30am 06/01/2025 Wyth / Wkly £5
Iau / Thursday Almaeneg Canolradd German (Intermediate Level) 13:00-15:00pm 09/01/2025 10 £90

Diddordebau Eraill / Other Interests *

Diddordebau Eraill Other Interests Amser: Time Dechrau: Start Wyth: Wks Cost: Cost Sut i Ymrestru: How to Enrol
Llun / Monday Côr Tonteg Côr Tonteg 7:30pm-8:30pm 13/01/2025 13 £10 Troi lan / Turn up
Mawrth / Tuesday Clwb Camera Garth Garth Camera Club 9:30-10:30am 07/01/2025 13 £20 + Fuel contribution to trips
Gwau â gwên Knit and Knatter 10:00-11:30am 07/01/2025 Gwrp anffurfiol, nid yw gwau yn hanfodol! Informal group, knitting is not essential!
Mercher / Wednesday Clwb Camera'r Olwg Olwg Camera Club meet@ 9:30am 08/01/2025 13 £10.00 Gary - 07800735241
Iau / Thursday Côr Cymunedol Can Taf Can Taf Community Choir 7:15-9.00pm 07/01/2025 15 £10.00 [email protected]
Grwp Iwcs Ukelele Group 5:30pm - 6:30pm 09/01/2025 16 £40.00
Gwener / Friday Cymorth Cyntaf (Lefel 3) Level 3 Emergency First Aid 9:30-4:30pm TBC 1 £45 [email protected] - 01443 570077
Cymorth Cyntaf Pediatrig (Level 3) Level 3 Paediatric First Aid 9:30-4:30pm TBC 1 £45 [email protected] - 01443 570077
Diogelwch Bwyd Food Safety 9:30-4:30pm TBC 1 £30 [email protected] - 01443 570077



* Vocational Training / Vocational Training *

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